if you have a question, contact us

Czech Republic


Brněnská 1246
665 01 Rosice



(+420) 533 380 018
(+420) 546 413 542

Business register

Company registered in the Regional Court in Brno, Section C, File 32395, dated 05.01.1999.

Customer service CR

+420 533 380 018
Renata Kleiblová
Customer service
+420 546 413 540
Veronika Hrušková
Customer service
+420 533 380 018
Nikola Hvižďová
Customer service

Business team CR

+420 533 380 018
Libor Svoboda
Export manager
+420 602 531 340
Mgr. Miroslav Mynář
Sales manager
+420 606 723 499
Mgr. Bc. Lenka Šilpochová
Sales representative
+420 602 217 056
Jana Filipová
Sales representative
+420 725 885 539
Ludmila Žilincová
Sales representative
+420 601132868
Vojtěch Dvořák
Sales representative
Jan Sajbrt
Purchase manager
Nikola Kučerová
Purchase manager

Slovak Republic


Panep s.r.o.
Mierová 339/30
068 01 Medzilaborce

521 36 795


(+421) 577 480 141
(+421) 577 480 140

Business register

Company registered in the Regional Court in Brno, Section C, File 32395, dated 05.01.1999.

Customer service SR

+421 577 480 141
Iveta Lechanová
Customer service
+421 577 480 141
Ing. Marek Šak
Customer service
+421 557 480 141
Silvia Šaková
Customer service

Business team SR

+421 911 652 124
Bc. Ivo Hajník
Sales representative
+421 911 652 266
Mária Gurová
Sales manager
+421 903 652 919
Mgr. Martin Rjaby
Sales manager



PANEP s.r.o. Sp.z o.o. Oddział w Polsce
Karpacka 24
43-316 Bielsko-Biała



(+48) 338 160 782
(+48) 730 500 134

Business register

Company registered in the Regional Court in Bielsko - Biala, VIII Division of the National Court Register, dated 01.07.2009.
KRS number: 0000332657

Customer service PL

+48 338 160 782
Lucyna Konior
Customer service
+48 338 160 782
Iwona Raczek
Customer service
+48 338 160 782
Agnieszka Mandziuk
Customer service

Business team PL

+48 605 566 900
Ewa Golec-Wolna
Office manager
+48 517 053 513
Agnieszka Rozmus
Sales representative
+48 722 184 222
Tobiasz Szczepaniak
Sales representative
+48 603 535 600
Diana Szczepaniak
Sales representative
+48 661 010 665
Aneta Jarmoń
Sales representative

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